Indie Author Jessica Terry is back with another release. I recently spoke with her about More Than What It Is.
Tell me about your latest book.
More Than What It Is is a third-chance romance about Paige Daniels and Gavin Foster, starting in their senior year of high school and ending when they’re adults approaching thirty. Despite the sincere love they had for each other, they had to overcome things like immaturity, fear, and stubbornness in order to be ready to go the distance together.
Why did you decide to write it?
You know, I actually wrote this book years ago; the idea of taking a couple from teenagers to adults appealed to me. Love is often touted as the goal but I wanted to do something showing that love just isn’t always enough, as important and powerful as it can be.
Who is your favorite character and why?
My favorite character…I’d have to say Pauletta, Paige’s mother. She was supportive of Paige and Gavin both separately and together, even after the times they broke up, and she was as quick to turn the proverbial mirror on them as she was to give them encouragement. I didn’t want to write a pushy, overbearing, cynical mother; I wanted her to have their backs and be a voice of reason. They both turn to her several times throughout the book.
When did you fall in love with the written word?
Oh, early. I don’t even remember exactly how old I was, but I was always a creative. I’d draw, “invent” stuff, do crafting, and write my stories and poems and comics. Writing is the only thing that stuck and definitely what I loved the most.
If you could pick another profession, what would it be and why?
Copywriting. It’s something I’ve studied over the years and done some freelance work in, and it’s close enough to fiction writing that I could enjoy doing it daily.
What author would you fangirl over?
I’d probably trip if I saw Terry McMillan in person. LOL
What books have you read lately and loved?
The Seven Month Itch by Tanvier Peart, Human Resources by Aria Daze, Running Game by Rene Wolfe, Lost in Love’s Abyss by K.C. Mills, His Weakness Her Strength by Charleigh Harper. All of those were dope.
What books are you most excited to read next?
I’d say Ella Gets the D by Tanvier Peart and Honey & Spice by Bolu Babalola will probably be my next couple of reads.
What’s next for you?
I’m almost always in a rotation of editing or writing; I have several books just waiting their turn to be released, so if I’m not shining those up and getting them edited and ready, I’m writing something new. My next release (unless I change my mind LOL) is a women’s fiction novel titled Forced.
Do you have anything you would like to add?
I just want to show appreciation for this highlight and to anyone who has read or supported my books. Please consider leaving a rating or review for anything you’ve read; they’re so vital to us indies.
Use the Black Fiction Addiction affiliate link to purchase your copy of More Than What It Is by Jessica Terry.
To learn more about indie author Jessica Terry, visit her website, or connect with her on social media.
Instagram/Threads/TikTok: @AuthorJessicaTerry
X: @ItsJessicaTerry