Michelle Stimpson is back with a new and timely addition to her popular Mama B series, and she’s sharing an excerpt with Black Fiction Addiction readers.
Michelle Stimpson is back with a new and timely addition to her popular Mama B series, and she’s sharing an excerpt with Black Fiction Addiction readers.
Women’s fiction and romance author DL White is giving readers a little drama. I recently spoke with her about her novel A Thin Line.
While you’re (hopefully) relaxing this upcoming Mother’s Day weekend, check out these great books by and for mommas.
Prolific author A.C. Arthur is putting a new spin on her beloved Donovan Dynasty series by introducing UK Donovans. I recently spoke with her about her latest release Roark.
Author Earl Sewell has taken his love of books behind the scenes in order to narrate a book. I recently spoke to him about his work for Chasing Space….